Wednesday, October 9, 2024


     Having just finished streaming the series, Project Blue Book, originally produced for the History Channel and now available on the Roku Channel streaming, I wanted to jump back into sci fi activity by sharing a few thoughts.  Although the series credits the activity of Prof. J. Allen Hynek as its inspiration, it explicitly states that the influence is strictly fictional, rather than purporting to recreate real events.  Various episodes cherry pick UFO events from the early 1950's, they are not presented in the real life chronological order in which they occurred, nor is Hynek's previous experience with earlier projects, such as Grudge, included in the fictional time line.  Likewise, the identity of Hynek's coworker from the Air Force is not the same.  Russian spies and open and covert ufologists are also included in the cast for dramatic reasons.  Hynek's connections to  Hollywood films of the succeeding decades are also shown in a very different light from reality.  

     The series does indeed present a speculative approach to many recorded controversies of the last years of the Truman administration and the earliest ones of the Eisenhower years.  Some of the UFO reports are dismissed as elaborate hoaxes, though even these are often mitigated by some measure of doubt or unexplained factors.  In particular, an episode set in the Kentucky hills is attributed to trickery on many fronts, including that of Air Force staff itself attempting to capitalize on false reports of aliens for strictly political reasons.  Other episodes, such as those set in Roswell, Area 51, and Wright-Patterson Air Froce Base, are deliberately left to a much more open interpretation because of the huge gaps in reasonable assessment left by intervention from the Air Force or more secretive organizations.  

     Furthermore, the possibility of the existence of UFOs and aliens is lent a great measure of credence by the involvement of the fictional Air Force officer, Captain Quinn.  He is shown experiencing personal close encounters of the third kind in a fighter jet over Washington DC, as well as in a submarine under the North Atlantic.  This is rendered more powerful to the viewer by the fact that Quinn is presented throughout the series as being much more skeptical than Hynek.  He is also shown as having a huge reserve of repressed emotions, to the point that he has an affair with a beautiful Soviet agent.  If Hynek is the brains of the investigation, Quinn is the guts.  For him to personal acknowledge proof of the "impossible" greatly increases the involvement of the viewer in the UFO continuum.

     In a different way, the same may be said of the character of Hynek's wife, Mimi.  First seen as a classic 50s housewife in the Harriet Nelson mold and usually relegated in opening episodes to an indirect experience of the UFO proofs and near proofs, she becomes more and more closely involved in the plots.  As with Quinn, she also functions as an emotional conduit to the viewer.  Her powerful concerns for her husband and son are set in contrast as she develops a deeper relationship with the spy Susie that culminates in a lesbian encounter.  She functions much like the generally practical Han Solo in Star Wars when he mutters, "I have a bad feeling about this."

     I would urge all sci fi fans to take the opportunity to stream Project Blue Book while this chance exists and to form and share their own reactions to this program, which unfortunately was cancelled before a season three could be produced.  The acting and technical aspects of the show are first rate and will not disappoint.  We plan to return to some particular aspects of the events portrayed in coming posts.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


April 26-28 at Virginia Crossings in Glen Allen, Virginia 

Jim and John will be reading from their works and talking on panels

Friday 4/26 6-7 PM Readings from the Forlani Saga


Saturday 4/27





Sunday 4/28


Monday, January 8, 2024


Viva Mexico en el Espacio!

It's a bit of good news that a wonderful neighboring country has joined the space exploration family.  Mexico will include a group of mini moon probes in an upcoming mission to explore our great satellite for future scientific work.  Even as the country faces major problems on Earth, it is encouraging that it can sustain the effort to support science and technology in such a way.  Truly, nothing can hold back the spirit of the Mexican people.


Thursday, December 21, 2023




Sunday, September 3, 2023

Hello to Ireland and the Netherlands

It's particularly wonderful to welcome visitors from two delightful countries that I have had the good fortune to visit in person.   Of course, both the Irish and the Dutch speak English at least as well as many of my local neighbors, so you can enjoy our novels Life Sentence and Spy Station, as well as my collection Beyond the Covenant and Other Stories.  We hope you will give them a try if you enjoy exciting sci fi that is rich in alien action.  And if you do, please don't forget to give us a rating in Kindle, Amazon, or Goodreads.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

 It's frightening, it's puzzling, and it's YOURS FOR FREE on Kindle this weekend. Spy Station is 4 star + rated interplanetary espionnage, so try it now by clicking ...


Sunday, August 20, 2023

Mars: the Total Recall Settlement Option

Some sci fi fans may not be aware that Philip K. Dick's "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" provides only a fraction of the plot for the film version Total Recall.  In fact, Dick's story never gets to Mars, except indirectly in memories that may be illusions.  The entire portrayal of life on Mars was added somewhere in the middle of a writing process that involved some forty drafts, with numerous inputs and cancellations from successive directors and producers, and eventually Arnold Schwartzenegger himself, who was the last of many actors envisioned for the lead over sixteen years of production.

Even the various features of the Mars segments went through a complicated evolution.  Neither the memorable Venusville scenes, nor the scenes in the reactor, nor the nature of the turbidium mountain itself were part of the original plans.  As has happened with other great films such as Casablanca, we can only thank our lucky stars that a masterpiece emerged from a byzantine and often off-the-cuff creative history.

Nevertheless, the portrayal of the Martian colony contains a great deal that may apply to an eventual effort to settle the Red Planet.  First of all, we should mention the crucial importance of a reliable oxygen supply to the success of the endeavor, as well as the assumption that such a supply will not come easily through some magic wand of terraforming based on human technology.  In Total Recall the first groups of settlers are poisoned by the lack of clean air, which produces the generations of mutants that populate Venusville.   It is only through the deus ex machina of highly superior alien tech that Mars is terraformed at the conclusion of the movie, a virtually last-minute addition that caused much controversy among the filmmakers.  While the dangers of toxicity on Mars have ony recently begun to receive much attention, the oxygen quandary has been known for well over a century now and efforts to solve it seem still as quixotic as the plan in Jules Verne's From Earth to the Moon bring trees in a space vehicle to plant on the lunar surface.

Another item considered in Total Recall (and noticeably absent in The Martian) is the possibility of living inside the planet instead of on the surface.  This clever alternative might even be accomplished robotically, sparing future Mars-farers many of the travails posed by erecting domes or dodging dust-storms.  Robotic construction missions might, of course, involve much time and expense -- but less than trying to provision a colonial garrison.  This is especially true if the robotic crews had access to an adequate atomic reactor to produce electricity without the need for much water or any combustion.  

Unfortunately, Total Recall does not address the issue of feeding a Martian colony, other than that the inhabitants of Venusville seem to somehow have access to huge supplies of alcohol.  We now know that it could not come from The Martian's little garden of potatoes, since the soil fortuitously used in the latter film now appears to be highly toxic to most of Earth's flora.  Here, we may find a solution in another sci fi classic, Outland.  The mining settlement in that film featured a very extensive vertical greenhouse that plays a major part in the violent finale.  It is conceivable that such a facility could be constructed in the shelter of a sunlit Martian canyon wall that would avoid some of the abrasive dangers of dust storms.  Perhaps another contribution could be supplied by Einstein's favorite vegetable, mushrooms.  It is only with tongue in cheek that we can mention the name of The Mole People, where a subterranean remnant of Sumerians is kept alive largely by edible fungi.  Such underground farms could, though, certainly make a contribution to the diet of humans on Mars, should a cavern system be excavated beforehand.  

At least one other problem must be overcome in order to achieve a community based on human Martian troglodytes: marsquakes.  Recent research shows that they are much more frequent than previously believed.  There is clearly more we need to know about the deeper nature of the Martian core and its movements before we can invest in the type of venture suggested by Total Recall.  Geological stability, at least within manageable parameters, is a must to support a sub-Mars colony.  Just comparing Mars settlement to that of the New World in the Age of Discovery, we should realize right now that we face definite limitations to the number of failed missions we as a planet can support.  The disappearances of the viking communities in Greenland and Newfoundland, the Portuguese colony on Cape Breton Island, Gosnold's post in Cuttyhunk, the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island, or the French port in what is now South Carolina offer ample evidence that even less hostile environments than Mars can gobble up groups of humans who face difficulties in contact and resupply.  

Surely, some of these issues will also present themselves in the nearer future as we attempt to develop ressources on the Moon.  A viable colony there is, after all, a likely necessity before we can move large masses of people and material to Mars.  Perhaps there we can begin to work on solutions to the bigger problem.  As we do so, it may be advisable to avoid some of the mistakes made in the New World experience, where humans fighting amongst each other forced many efforts to collapse.  It may take the unity of all Earthlings to undertake the colossal challenges of interplanetary living.

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